in anticipation

eli l.a.

when my wigs came

my gender looked good in the 90-degree rain

when my wigs came

i’m a saucy saucy fellow

when my wigs came

i’m a vaudevillian ned flanders who also likes to fuck
pucks, and puckish
carpet pronounced ‘carpé’
a femme fag and a dandy dick van dyke in my dna
i am bird of paradise in the city
Vagabond-age Era

when my wigs came i won! it! all!
like discovering le parisian lesbian
bar named Les Beaux
and you are The Curious Gorg

an underwear brand named ‘Armour’
or “As Is”

sometimes i don’t mind that i can buy a personality online
like everything else
don’t we do it because we like it?

isn’t it oddly beautiful to buy a blue wig
like christ on an expensive t-shirt
buddha on your burger
how human to want to open a box

and find yourself inside it